Last Month, Sony Ericsson had announced the Xperia Arc which comes with a sexy slim body with a massively improved display & imaging capabilities. Like the Xperia X10s we’ve seen before, Sony Ericsson has introduced more Android variants to join the arc in its 2011 line up with the Xperia pro and Xperia neo. The key difference from first look is that the pro comes with a QWERTY slider keyboard.
On earlier Sony Ericsson Xperias, one of the major gripes faced is the outdated Android versions that came pre-installed. Now it is worth noting that Sony Ericsson has finally bucked up by offering the latest Android 2.3 Gingerbread on all of its devices this year. We hope Sony Ericsson will maintain this trend of staying up to date with future releases of Android OS, which is something they struggled badly last year.